
Dietary Contraindications For Women During Pregnancy Preparation

Nowadays, people are concerned about having a healthy baby. If you want to have a healthy baby, you have to start paying attention to the process of pregnancy preparation, such as lifestyle habits and diet. So, do you know what are the dietary contraindications for women during pregnancy preparation?


What Are The Dangers Of Anaemia During Pregnancy?

Anaemia is a common problem for many pregnant women during pregnancy because the growth and development of the foetus and placenta requires iron from the mother to produce blood, muscles and organs, etc. Especially in the middle and late stages of pregnancy, the demand for iron by pregnant mothers increases day by day


Hyperthyroidism and pregnancy are not "irreconcilable"

Many women suffering from hyperthyroidism hope to become pregnant or have a second child, but hyperthyroidism is a chronic disease, which often cannot be cured for a long time. Many people mistakenly believe that hyperthyroidism and pregnancy are absolutely "incompatible" and "irreconcilable", which undoubtedly brings a lot of gloom to patients' family life.