
Genetic Modification Of Immune Cells To Make Them Tireless, Cold-Blooded "Cancer Cell Killers"!

A cutting-edge study from the University of California, San Francisco, recently showed that researchers have been able to make immune cells, which already recognize cancer cells, more powerful and durable through CRISPR gene editing tools, promising to become tireless, cold-blooded "cancer killers"!


Are colds caused by being too cold

As soon as winter comes, colds will follow. Cold is the most common disease in our life. On average, it is normal to catch a cold two or three times a year. However, have you ever wondered why a cold will break out in winter? Some people will definitely say, "It's needless to ask. It must be too cold.".


Don't treat allergic rhinitis as a cold

In clinical practice, patients often say that they often catch a cold. Sometimes they catch a cold several times a day. They often take some cold medicine, sometimes it is easy to use, sometimes it is useless, and they are very distressed. I learned through careful inquiry that in fact, he had allergic rhinitis, not a cold. Now, let's introduce the difference between cold and rhinitis, so that patients can have a clear understanding of it, and don't miss the treatment.


How Many Times Should You Apply a Cold Compress To a Sprained Foot?

Cold compresses should be applied within 24 hours after a foot sprain to reduce swelling and relieve pain.


How To Manage Cold In The Womb For Women

Most of the time, uterine cold is caused by too much cold energy in the body.


What Is The Reason For "Hot On Top And Cold At The Bottom"?

Some people have cold symptoms such as cold hands and feet, unformed stools, and a fear of cold and warmth in the small of the abdomen when they are on fire.


Is ibuprofen a cold medicine

Ibuprofen belongs to antipyretic and analgesic, not cold medicine.


How can we prevent a heart attack when it's cold?

Relevant surveys show that the risk of heart attack will increase by 7% for every 10 ℃ drop in temperature. Experts pointed out that in cold weather, the human body should first ensure the blood supply of important organs such as the brain, heart, lung and liver, and the contraction of peripheral blood vessels such as skin. The increase of blood pressure and heart rate will increase the burden on the heart, which will easily lead to heart disease


How To Cope With The Cold Weather For Those With a Yang Deficiency Constitution

Chinese medicine is a special diet that is guided by the theories of Chinese medicine, culinary science and nutrition, in which Chinese medicine is combined with certain foods of medicinal value in a reasonable formula, or soup, or dish, or congee, or tea, with unique colour, aroma, taste, shape and effect, and has the effect of health care, disease prevention and cure.