
What Is The Reason For "Hot On Top And Cold At The Bottom"?

Some people have cold symptoms such as cold hands and feet, unformed stools, and a fear of cold and warmth in the small of the abdomen when they are on fire.


University of Tokyo Hospital - Top 10 Best Hospitals in the World

The Affiliated Hospital of the Medical Department of the University of Tokyo originated from the first vaccination institute (vaccinia vaccination institute) opened in present-day Tokyo in the late Edo era, and has been leading the development of Japanese medicine and medical industry for more than 150 years. Adhering to the philosophy of "devoting to the development of clinical medicine and the training of medical talents to provide the best medical treatment for each patient", the hospital carries out its daily work with the following purposes: (1) practice medical treatment that respects the wishes of patients; (2) Provide safe medical care; (3) Develop highly advanced medical treatment; (4) Cultivate excellent medical talents.


TGH - Top 10 Best Hospitals in the World

Toronto General Hospital is the main teaching hospital in Toronto, Canada, and one of the five major hospitals of the Canadian University Health Network. Toronto General Hospital is the largest organ transplantation center in Canada and even North America, which can transplant heart, lung, kidney, liver, pancreas, small intestine and other organs for patients. Toronto General Hospital is world-famous for Peter Monk Heart Center, which is considered as the "global leader" in open heart surgery and cardiovascular health. In addition, the Toronto Institute is also the research institution with the most sufficient research funds in Canada, and has been rated as the first medical research institution in Canada by the well-known consulting company Research Infosource for nine consecutive years. The Toronto General Hospital, which is known as "the best hospital in Canada", deserves its name.


MGH - Top 10 Best Hospitals in the World

Founded in 1811, Massachusetts General Hospital is the earliest and largest teaching affiliated hospital of Harvard Medical School, and one of the three oldest hospitals in the United States. In 2012, hospitals in the United States ranked first (US News&World Report). In 1846, the first anesthetic operation was performed in human history, and X-ray was first used in clinical practice in 1896. Massachusetts General Hospital dominates the largest hospital based research project in the United States, with an annual research funding of more than 600 million dollars. So far, 13 Nobel laureates have been produced


Charité - Top 10 Best Hospitals in the World

The Affiliated Hospital of Charlotte University is located in Berlin, Germany, with a long history of more than 300 years. The hospital has long enjoyed a high reputation for its outstanding medical treatment, medical research and medical teaching.


Cutting-edge 'peptide' shows promise in stopping breast cancer metastasis!

It is estimated that ninety percent of deaths from breast cancer are caused by complications from metastasis, so how to effectively stop breast cancer metastasis has long been a hot topic in cancer research.


Johns Hopkins Hospital - Top 10 Best Hospitals in the World

Johns Hopkins Medical Group is a global integrated medical industry group with a total assets of 8 billion US dollars. It organically integrates doctors and researchers from Johns Hopkins University Medical School with Johns Hopkins Hospital and its subsidiaries, medical practitioners and medical facilities in the health system, and becomes the academic health care system in the United States.


Singapore General Hospital - Top 10 Best Hospitals in the World

Singapore General Hospital (SGH) is the first and largest hospital in Singapore. It provides affordable specialist care for patients, training for doctors and other healthcare professionals, and conducts research to bring better care to its patients. 


Cleveland Clinic - Top 10 Best Hospitals in the World

Cleveland Medical Center, founded in 1921, is located in Cleveland, Ohio, the United States. It has 3000 doctors, 15000 nurse doctor assistants, and 43000 employees. It ranks second in the United States in general hospitals, second only to the Mayo Clinic, and first in the United States in cardiac/cardiac surgery.


Mayo Clinic - Top 10 Best Hospitals in the World

Although the Mayo Clinic in the United States is called a "clinic", it is actually a comprehensive medical center with a long history, the world's first and largest comprehensive, non-profit, group medical institution, and a well deserved medical system brand in the world's medical field.