
Can I Have Surgery For Advanced Pancreatic Cancer? What Should I Do If I Have Advanced Pancreatic Cancer That Is Inoperable?

If pancreatic cancer is not treated in time, it will develop and become more and more serious as the disease progresses, and because the symptoms of pancreatic cancer are sometimes not obvious in the early stages of the disease, the disease is diagnosed in the middle and late stages.


Can i Still Have Surgery For Pancreatic Cancer With Portal Vein Invasion? What Are The Symptoms Of Pancreatic Cancer And How Can It Be Detected?

Pancreatic cancer is a very complex and common tumour of the pancreas, and the malignancy of this disease is relatively high.


Significant Improvement In Survival For Pancreatic Cancer Patients! A first-Line NALIRIFOX Regimen To Look Forward To!

As medicine continues to advance, there are many good drugs and options to fight cancer. Just recently, a study showed that the NALIRIFOX regimen significantly improved the overall survival of patients with advanced pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma who had not received previous treatment.


What You Need To Do If Pancreatic Cancer Spreads To Your Liver After Surgery

Pancreatic cancer is a complex disease that affects the patient's body, often with pain and loss of weight, so it needs to be treated promptly.


Standard Chemotherapy + Mitazalimab, More Than 90% Effective In The Treatment Of Pancreatic Cancer!

Pancreatic cancer has long been known as the "king of cancers" due to its poor prognosis. However, a recent study showed that adding Mitazalimab to a modified FOLFIRINOX regimen resulted in control of over 90% of patients with metastatic pancreatic cancer, with 52% of patients experiencing significant tumour shrinkage!


Study Shows That a Blood Pressure Drug Combined With Radiotherapy Improves Outcomes In Locally Advanced Pancreatic Cancer

Pancreatic cancer is known to be a highly fatal and incurable type of cancer known as the "king of cancers". Currently, the only possible cure for pancreatic cancer is the complete surgical removal of the tumour tissue. Once the cancer has spread beyond the pancreatic organ, the patient's treatment options are very limited.


Chemotherapy May Promote Resistance To Immunotherapy In Pancreatic Cancer, Study Shows

Immunotherapy has been a very important treatment in recent years, with many patients in lung cancer, malignant melanoma and many other cancers experiencing dramatic improvements in prognosis with this cutting-edge therapy. In pancreatic cancer, however, progress in immunotherapy has been very slow and its effectiveness has been extremely limited.