
New Targeted Radiotherapy For "Laser-Like" Precision Treatment Of Refractory Prostate Cancer With Fewer Side Effects!

Prostate cancer, which has been increasing in incidence worldwide in recent years, is now a more common cancer among Japanese men. Often, patients with prostate cancer have a poor prognosis and poor survival once they have developed multiple recurrent metastases after treatment with hormones and are difficult to treat with conventional radiotherapy.


Significantly Longer Survival In Refractory Breast Cancer With The Addition Of Eganelisib To Standard Treatment!

Data from a trial show that adding the new drug Eganelisib to standard treatment significantly improves the length of survival for patients with triple-negative breast cancer whose disease remains unexacerbated. Patients benefited regardless of their PD-L1 status.


New Technology Can Break The Blood-Brain Barrier To Directly Treat Brain Tumours, Is Potent And Less Toxic, And Deserves Attention!

For brain cancer, the major obstacle to treatment is not the tumour, but the brain itself. How to break the "blood-brain barrier" and allow effective anti-cancer drugs to enter the brain to take effect has long been a key issue in brain cancer treatment. Recently, a new study has shown that a new type of pump can be implanted in brain cancer patients to safely break the blood-brain barrier and better treat brain cancer!


Atherosclerosis Is a Natural Enemy Of The Middle-Aged And Elderly, How Can It Be Detected Early?

In the early stages of atherosclerotic disease, most patients have almost no clinical symptoms and develop in a latent state of insidiousness.


The Effects Of Changbai Mountain Ginseng

Changbaishan Radix et Rhizoma Ginseng Tablets can be used to make water to nourish Yin and replenish Qi and blood.


Cancer Vaccine Shows Its Power! Survival Of Patients With Advanced Colorectal Cancer Extended By More Than 3 Times!

Data from a study of a cancer vaccine combined with a PD-1 immune checkpoint inhibitor has recently been released, and the treatment has increased the survival of patients with advanced colorectal cancer by more than three times, with some patients surviving for more than 22 months so far.


Standard Chemotherapy + Mitazalimab, More Than 90% Effective In The Treatment Of Pancreatic Cancer!

Pancreatic cancer has long been known as the "king of cancers" due to its poor prognosis. However, a recent study showed that adding Mitazalimab to a modified FOLFIRINOX regimen resulted in control of over 90% of patients with metastatic pancreatic cancer, with 52% of patients experiencing significant tumour shrinkage!


Check breast cancer like drinking and driving: breath detector capable of diagnosing various diseases

When it comes to the breath detector, everyone will think of the thing used by the traffic police to check drinking and driving. For those who drink and drive, they will lose their temper when they see the breath detector. In fact, the gas exhaled by the human body has many characteristics. It can not only detect alcohol, but also reflect the health of the human body and detect some diseases. This breath detector introduced in this article can detect breast cancer, diabetes, lung cancer, Parkinson's disease, asthma, schizophrenia, kidney and liver failure and other diseases.


Integrative Oncology: Acupuncture And Acupressure May Relieve Surgical Pain And Anxiety In Cancer Patients

For patients undergoing surgery for ovarian and endometrial cancer, pain and anxiety are often experienced. Recently, a new study has shown that acupressure before surgery may help reduce anxiety and that acupuncture during surgery may reduce severe pain. The study was published online in Cancer, a peer-reviewed journal of the American Cancer Society.


Long-Term Antihypertensive Drugs Hurt Liver And Kidneys? Doctors: No Medication Is More Risky!

Many elderly people have high blood pressure themselves, but refuse to stick to their antihypertensive medication, thinking that taking it for a long time will have many side effects.