
How Is Bile Duct Cancer Caused? How Does Bile Duct Cancer Need To Be Treated?

Every disease has a cause, and we are all sick because of various factors. Understanding the causes of diseases can help us to prevent them, which will help our health a lot.


Prevention of cardiovascular disease is more important than treatment

Almost everyone hopes to have a young and healthy heart. However, 62% of people over 40 years old have cardiovascular disease or risk factors to varying degrees, and 80% of them have not yet fully understood how to maintain a healthy heart. Medical research shows that among all internal organs, the heart is most likely to suffer from "obesity", especially in patients with hypertension, which can also lead to gradual thickening of the heart muscle.


How effective is immunotherapy for gastric cancer? What other treatment options are available for gastric cancer?

Stomach cancer can cause abnormal symptoms in the digestive system, even vomiting blood and black stools, so it should be treated promptly after having stomach cancer


New Research Shows Promise For Bone Marrow Transplant Recipient Patients To Reduce Treatment Side Effects!

Researchers at the Tisch Cancer Institute at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai have now identified a new treatment that promises to help cancer patients with bone marrow transplants manage side effects better than current standard therapies, making the treatment more effective and safer.


New Treatment Effective In Up To 73% Of Multiple Myeloma Patients!

According to researchers at the Tisch Cancer Institute at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, a new treatment that helps the immune system kill multiple myeloma cancer cells has benefited up to 73% of patients in 2 clinical trials!


What causes halitosis? What's the best way to eliminate bad breath?

Speaking of halitosis, my mind immediately flashed a scene like this: the doorbell rang, and he was anxious to wait for his girlfriend to come. He hurriedly told the parrot a few words. Unexpectedly, the parrot was stunned by his halitosis, fell down and shouted, "You have bad breath! You have bad breath!" Funny aside, you may ask: What causes halitosis? What's the best way to eliminate bad breath?


New Treatment For Advanced Cervical Cancer Approved! Significant Improvement In Patient Survival

Recently, the European Commission has approved cemiplimab-rwlc (Libtayo), manufactured by US-based Regeneron, as a monotherapy for the treatment of adult patients with recurrent or metastatic cervical cancer whose disease has progressed during or after platinum-containing chemotherapy. The results of the trial showed that this therapy significantly improved patient survival and had a good safety profile.


Can Melanoma Be Passed On To Children? How Do I Need To Treat Melanoma?

Melanoma is a complex and highly malignant disease that can cause itching or bleeding, as well as ulcers and pain in some patients.


What You Need To Do If Pancreatic Cancer Spreads To Your Liver After Surgery

Pancreatic cancer is a complex disease that affects the patient's body, often with pain and loss of weight, so it needs to be treated promptly.


What To Eat For Liver Detoxification

According to Chinese medicine, the liver is mainly responsible for facilitating digestion and absorption, as well as maintaining the flow of Qi, blood and fluids. The liver is also responsible for the flow of qi, blood and fluids. The liver can cleanse the body of waste, destroy toxic substances, participate in digestion and absorption, and coordinate its mental and emotional activities.