
Eat Radish In Winter And Ginger In Summer

Ginger is a condiment that is used as a meal, but can also be combined with other diets to have a nourishing effect.


New Study Reveals Antibiotic Abuse For Sore Throats Pushes Up The Third Leading Cause Of Death Worldwide

Misconceptions about how to treat a sore throat are fuelling the overuse of antibiotics, according to STAR research.


How To Treat Kidney Deficiency And Poor Spleen And Stomach

Most patients with kidney deficiency feel that their spleen and stomach are not very good, at this time they should not eat spicy and stimulating food, but also eat less and more often, and should not overeat.


Stavudol Paediatric Indication Approved For The Treatment Of Children Aged 3 Months And Older With Complicated Intra-Abdominal Infections

There is an urgent clinical need for new antimicrobial drugs to break through the dilemma of cIAI treatment in children and address the growing challenge of drug resistance.


What Are The Early Symptoms Of Blood Cancer? How Is Blood Cancer Treated?

Blood cancer is a very complicated disease and should be treated in a timely manner to improve your disease and health condition and to gradually relieve your symptoms.


Study Shows That a Blood Pressure Drug Combined With Radiotherapy Improves Outcomes In Locally Advanced Pancreatic Cancer

Pancreatic cancer is known to be a highly fatal and incurable type of cancer known as the "king of cancers". Currently, the only possible cure for pancreatic cancer is the complete surgical removal of the tumour tissue. Once the cancer has spread beyond the pancreatic organ, the patient's treatment options are very limited.


Is Leukaemia Contagious To People? What Treatments Are Available For Leukaemia?

Leukaemia is a very complex disease that causes fever and infection and bleeding, so it needs to be treated early so that it can be gradually controlled and the patient's symptoms can be gradually relieved


How Confirm The Diagnosis Of Highly Differentiated Cholangiocarcinoma With Lymph Node Metastasis? How To Treat Highly Differentiated Cholangiocarcinoma With Metastatic Lymph Nodes?

Diseases have certain effects on the body, so it is necessary to learn more about common diseases so that you will know how to diagnose them when symptoms occur.