
Pfizer's New Treatment Elranatamab Receives FDA Breakthrough Therapy Designation For Relapsed Or Refractory Multiple Myeloma

Pfizer's new treatment, Elranatamab, has received Breakthrough Therapy designation from the FDA for the treatment of patients with relapsed or refractory multiple myeloma. Data from the trial showed a patient efficacy rate of 61.0% and that once the therapy is effective, efficacy is maintained for more than six months in over 90% of patients!


New Targeted Radiotherapy For "Laser-Like" Precision Treatment Of Refractory Prostate Cancer With Fewer Side Effects!

Prostate cancer, which has been increasing in incidence worldwide in recent years, is now a more common cancer among Japanese men. Often, patients with prostate cancer have a poor prognosis and poor survival once they have developed multiple recurrent metastases after treatment with hormones and are difficult to treat with conventional radiotherapy.


Significantly Longer Survival In Refractory Breast Cancer With The Addition Of Eganelisib To Standard Treatment!

Data from a trial show that adding the new drug Eganelisib to standard treatment significantly improves the length of survival for patients with triple-negative breast cancer whose disease remains unexacerbated. Patients benefited regardless of their PD-L1 status.


Major Breakthrough In 27 Years! This Cancer Vaccine Has Kept Deadly Brain Cancer Patients Alive For Over 8 Years!

A dendritic cell vaccine has shown excellent results in the treatment of glioblastoma, significantly extending the survival of patients with a good safety profile, according to new data from a global clinical trial. To date, patients who have benefited for the longest time have survived for more than eight years.


Standard Chemotherapy + Mitazalimab, More Than 90% Effective In The Treatment Of Pancreatic Cancer!

Pancreatic cancer has long been known as the "king of cancers" due to its poor prognosis. However, a recent study showed that adding Mitazalimab to a modified FOLFIRINOX regimen resulted in control of over 90% of patients with metastatic pancreatic cancer, with 52% of patients experiencing significant tumour shrinkage!


New Treatment For Childhood Brain Tumours, Tovorafenib, Shows Promising Results With An Efficiency Rate Of 91%!

According to data from a phase 2 trial, the new treatment Tovorafenib resulted in significant tumour shrinkage in 64% of patients with low-grade gliomas in children, a clinical benefit rate of 91%.


Don't Wait Until You'Re 50 To Start Preventing Osteoporosis! Reminder: These 5 Calcium Supplements Are Reliable

Osteoporosis is the cause of menopausal fractures! Do these 5 things to avoid osteoporosis


Cutting-Edge Targeted Drug For Cholangiocarcinoma Significantly Extends Patients' Lives!

Bile duct cancer is a rare but highly malignant tumour that occurs in the human bile duct system and has long had a poor prognosis. Now, researchers at University College London and University College London Hospitals, in an international multi-centre trial, have identified potentially good treatments that may radically improve the lives of some patients with bile duct cancer.


What Are The Diets And Contraindications For Liver Cancer Patients? How Can Liver Cancer Be Prevented?

We all know that we need to pay attention to our diet after suffering from a disease, because improper diet will affect the recovery of the disease and the health of the patient.


K-Drug Approved For Adjuvant Treatment Of Early-Stage Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer, Significantly Extending Cancer-Free Survival Of Patients!

The US FDA has approved pablizumab (Keytruda) as an adjuvant treatment for early-stage non-small cell lung cancer. In the trial, pablizumab (Keytruda) significantly prolonged cancer-free survival in patients compared to placebo.