
New Lymphoma Drug Approved! Half Of The Patients Had Significant Tumour Regression

The US FDA has accelerated the approval of the new drug Pirtobrutinib for the treatment of relapsed or refractory set of cell lymphomas. The drug led to substantial tumour disappearance in 50% of patients, with 13% of them having complete tumour disappearance.


New Treatment For Childhood Brain Tumours, Tovorafenib, Shows Promising Results With An Efficiency Rate Of 91%!

According to data from a phase 2 trial, the new treatment Tovorafenib resulted in significant tumour shrinkage in 64% of patients with low-grade gliomas in children, a clinical benefit rate of 91%.


Cutting-Edge Targeted Drug For Cholangiocarcinoma Significantly Extends Patients' Lives!

Bile duct cancer is a rare but highly malignant tumour that occurs in the human bile duct system and has long had a poor prognosis. Now, researchers at University College London and University College London Hospitals, in an international multi-centre trial, have identified potentially good treatments that may radically improve the lives of some patients with bile duct cancer.


PET/CT, Why It Can Detect Tumours

PET/CT and PET/MRI, the world's leading-edge imaging screening devices, have extremely significant advantages in the early screening and diagnosis of a wide range of benign and malignant tumours throughout the body, the nervous system and the cardiovascular system, and can detect tumours as small as millimetres, especially useful for the early detection and treatment of liver cancer, breast cancer and pancreatic cancer. Translated with (free version)