
Can I Have Surgery For Advanced Pancreatic Cancer? What Should I Do If I Have Advanced Pancreatic Cancer That Is Inoperable?

If pancreatic cancer is not treated in time, it will develop and become more and more serious as the disease progresses, and because the symptoms of pancreatic cancer are sometimes not obvious in the early stages of the disease, the disease is diagnosed in the middle and late stages.


Cancer Institute Hospital of JFCR

Japan's top-ranked cancer treatment hospital


Breast Cancer: a Brighter Future For Patients As New Cutting-Edge Drugs Continue To Emerge!

With more and more new cutting-edge drugs emerging, the standard treatment paradigm for breast cancer is now rapidly changing, and the future is looking brighter for patients.


Can Kidney Cancer Be Passed On To The Next Generation? What Abnormalities Can Kidney Cancer Cause In The Body?

Many kidney cancer patients want to know whether the disease is hereditary. It is really necessary to learn more about the disease because kidney cancer is one of the common diseases nowadays, so let's take a look at whether kidney cancer can be passed on to the next generation. What abnormalities will kidney cancer cause in the body?


New Treatment For Uroepithelial Carcinoma Receives Fda Fast Track Designation With Encouraging Initial Results

The FDA granted Fast Track designation to a new drug, IK-175, in combination with nabumab for the treatment of advanced uroepithelial carcinoma, after preliminary trial data showed encouraging and durable anti-tumor activity with a favorable safety profile.


Is Blood Cancer The Same As Leukaemia? What Are The Physical Symptoms Of Blood Cancer?

Everyone wants to be in good health because we all know that good health is the only way to live a better life. However, many diseases still occur frequently nowadays, so we need to know about the common diseases


Can i Still Have Surgery For Pancreatic Cancer With Portal Vein Invasion? What Are The Symptoms Of Pancreatic Cancer And How Can It Be Detected?

Pancreatic cancer is a very complex and common tumour of the pancreas, and the malignancy of this disease is relatively high.


Dana-Farber Cancer Research, Teaching Affiliate, Harvard Medical School

The Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, founded in 1947, is a specialist cancer hospital affiliated with Harvard Medical School, a federally designated comprehensive cancer treatment centre in the United States, and has produced one Nobel Laureate in medicine.